Bismillah and alhamdulillah....
"It is interesting that you probably know the exact time, date and place of when and where your birth took place, but this is only because you were told about it. What is less clear is the elusive and mystical moment you truly became aware of your existence"
Almost one month being with 'em ( special people i could say). They are deprived of attention and not knowing their real conditions...The psych ward is also not that conducive, in fact normal people can suffer if end up there just for few days (experimental wise!) From the beginning i don't like yellow-painted ward, i don't know why..The colour looks so fierce, fiery, hot and not "cool" at all. Same goes to respiratory unit in my practised hospital, it seems like all sort of germs are crawling there, having fun despite the ward should be germ-free....Well it doesn't mean i'm obsessed or having visual hallucination but some people just can't stand something..... anyway..
One mail from Islamic Bulletin and the contents are pretty much suitable for our muhasabah, especially when you are dealing with "not normal people" but you try hard to make them become normal again. Feel grateful for what we have......
The Unique Gift of Life The following is excerpted from the book "Islam 2.0" by Dr. Maher Hathout in which he shares a conversation with the Muslim youth. Your life is a very precious gift from God. Count back to one year before your first birthday, and then try to imagine your state - your state of nothingness. You can not. You may be able to contain and grasp "things," not "nothing." You were born and came to life, not because you wanted to, but because you became. Through a decision by an authority higher than you, and through a process that you did not participate in, you came to occupy a place in existence. (thanx ALLAH and my parents) With the dramatic event of your birth, you came to life with three huge realities. First, you are unique. Nobody else is identical to you, not even your identical twin or, in this age of cloning, even your clone, because your psychological, spiritual and energetic content is poured into your physical being in a unique way. When God blows a spirit into each individual, it manifests in a special way. You are one of a kind. Second, you are immortal. Your biological structure, which is the product of the substance of earth, will degrade and recycle in the biological cycle on earth, but your energy, soul and spirit will always be. If you appreciate your uniqueness and your immortality, your individual values, responsibility and accountability will emerge. God reminds us in the Qur'an that; It is interesting that you probably know the exact time, date and place of when and where your birth took place, but this is only because you were told about it. What is less clear is the elusive and mystical moment you truly became aware of your existence. This blurry time, when you became cognizant that you are you, and that you actually exist, just snuck up on you. From the moment of that realization, each individual experiences life in a unique way. While you may be exposed to the same circumstances as many others, how you feel, perceive, taste, understand and react to life circumstances is unique to you.
By: Dr. Maher Hathout
IslamiCity* -
"[And God shall say.'] "And now, indeed, you have come unto Us in a lonely state, even as We created you in the first instance,' and you have left behind you, all that We bestowed on you [in your lifetime]. And we do not see with you those intercessors of yours whom you supposed to have a share in Gods divinity with regard to yourselves! Indeed, all the bonds between you [and your earthly life] are now severed, and all your former fancies have forsaken you!" (6:94)
"and every one of them will appear before Him on Resurrection Day in a lonely state. " (19:95)
The third reality that comes with the happy event of your birth is a cobweb of expanding circles of relationships. These are different from the countless relationships you acquire throughout your life, such as your friends, neighbors, teammates, and spouses. The first package of relationships that come with your birth day are not subject to your choice; you do not choose your parents, siblings, kin, ancestors, race, gender, place of birth or even country of origin. This category of relationships is a gift form God, you accept, appreciate, and nurture. While the acquired relationships like spouse, friends, and career need prudence. While you will inevitably gain and lose, everything you lose may be regained, except one thing, time.
During the predetermined length of your life, you embark on new information, experiences, and habits in which you learn and perform as a human on this planet. While you will inevitably gain and lose, everything you lose may be regained, except one thing, time. If you lose time, it is gone. Any period of time is a chunk of life, both precious and irretrievable. Based on these simple realities, you will have some basic decisions to make: Are you going to waste your life or are you going to use it? Is your life going to center around you or will you reach wider spheres of involvement and concern? Wasting life partially or totally, i.e. in one lump or in installments, all can be considered a crime close to murder or suicide, even if the gradual waste does not seem that dramatic.
There are many forms and ways to waste a lifetime. With a careful look around you, you can recognize many of them: leading an aimless and purposeless life; abusing your own body, mind and soul; eroding the environment, being shallow and inefficient; all are ways to let the wonderful opportunity that we call life slip away. A life centered on your own self is selfish and never provides fulfillment. Since human beings are interdependent, you will not be happy if surrounded by unhappiness, envy, and animosity. A life that is not dedicated to a higher cause is an elusive quest for unattainable happiness.
Psych posting
18 April09
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