Thursday 25 March 2010

Angka Yang Mengingatkan....

Bismillah wal Hamdulillah.

Entri kali ini dalam "English" berbunyi " A figure that reminds"...Hari ini genap 25 tahun kehidupan seorang insan di dunia mengikut kalendar Masihi.. Sudah lama mencecah usia ini megikut kalendar Hijri. 3 Rajab lebih saya utamakan tetapi 25 Mac yang selalu mendapat prioriti. Tarikh Islam tenggelam mengikut zaman. Mungkin anak- anak zaman sekarang sudah tidak tahu tarikh lahir mereka dalam kalendar Islam. Di sinilah letaknya tanggungjawab seorang ibu dan bapa untuk mengingatkan anak-anak mereka.

-Thanx and luv for someone-

25 tahun bukan usia singkat buat saya, apatah lagi buat ummi dan ayah. Permata terakhir mereka telah mencecah usia yang boleh dikatakan matang, pada usia Rasulullah saw dilantik sebagai Rasul, menerima wahyu pertama. Maka usia ini bukan sekadar usia, tetapi diiringi dengan tanggungjawab dan harapan. Tahun ini tahun terakhir dalam "undergrad" yang pastinya akan menyimpan kenangan yang ada signifikasinya. Seorang rakan mengingatkan saya untuk sujud syukur dengan usia ini. Allah swt memberi peluang untuk menyemai benih-benih amal hinggalah ke usia ini, maka gunalah usia ini dan seterusnya untuk terus menabur benih agar tersemai dan mampu dituai kelak. Risau agaknya dia jikalau ada kemarau panjang yang menggagalkan saya untuk terus bercucuk tanam. Mana mungkin mau dicari hujan jika tidak diusahakan? Hujan turun dengan bersebab , hujan turun dengan permintaan kita yang bersungguh-sungguh. Kitalah yang wajar berusaha untuk terus istiqamah dalam perjuangan sebagai seorang Muslim yang mengaku Mu'min. Moga mampu mencapai tahap taqwa.

Sambutan usia kelahiran bukan dengan kegembiraan biasa, tetapi gembira bercampur takut dan harap. Takut andai tergelincir jika jalanan itu licin, harap agar diberi pertolongan di sepanjang musafir ini. Harap agar andainya dipanjangkan perjalanan ini , bantuan Allah sentiasa bersama. Perjalanan menuju destinasi yang pasti, cuma tidak pasti sampai bila. Nikmat di sepanjang pelayaran inilah yang perlu disyukuri. Nikmat bukan satu tetapi beribu, tidak terkira. Nikmat sihat paling terkesan dalam diari harian ini. Setiap hari bertemu orang yang "kurang sihat" , tidak kurang orang yang telah disahkan "tiada harapan" untuk mereka yang berubat. Tetapi ketentuan Allah lebih pasti. Bila difikirkan mereka sebenarnya beruntung, mereka diberi peluang untuk mengetahui sampai bila sisa-sisa hidup di dunia akan berakhir. Mereka tahu telah sampai masa untuk ibadatnya lebih banyak, sujudnya lebih panjang.........

Nikmat diberi hidup dalam bi'ah yang terdidik. Dilingkungi teman-teman yang memahami. Itu salah satu nikmat di dunia. Semoga dengan nikmat manusia lebih bersyukur, manifestasi syukur adalah pilihan individu.

" Ya Allah, hambaMu ini meminta!"

"For you who know"

Saturday 20 March 2010

Relationship That Lasts

Bismillah wal Hamdulillah..

A relationship is defined as the way two people* behave towards each other. * can be between people, animals, plants and the greatest relationship is between human and the God. Hablun Minallah wa Hablun Minannass. Muslims always use this to describe such relationship.

"And I have chosen you, so listen to that which is inspired to you. Verily, I am Allah! There is none worthy of worship but I, so worship Me and offer prayer perfectly for My remembrance." [Taha 13-14]

Use Solat as the medium to strengthen the bonding with Allah, the Almighty. Yes i do agree.

Humanity and serenity
What about the relationship between humans? How to strengthen it?How to solve the problems or misunderstandings? Being alive for more than two decades, i would say that people from all age groups will have some points in their lives whereby the arguments do arise. But the way they are solved are different. The level of maturity does contribute, perhaps. But I don't understand why people cannot forgive or forget. I have experienced being viewed as "weak" when i could not involve in counter-arguments. Please look at the subject that matters most. I am not interested in something which will end up with no solution but hurt feeling. I know quite a few of people around me who are still adopting such thing but I don't want to say that as something that they valued of. People do make mistake and they deserve for forgiveness. But the study of "mistake" is what we always missed. Some mistakes cannot be forgiven human. It is the nature of being human. But Allah does accept any repentance except few things.

1. Apostasy. "Lo! Those who disbelieve after their profession of belief, and afterward grow in infidelity, their repentance will never be accepted. And such who are astray."(Quran 3:90)

2. The killing of a believer. "Whoever slays a believer of set purpose, his reward is hell forever. Allah is wroth with him and hath cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom. ( Quran 4:93)

3. The attributing of partners to Allah. " Allah pardons not those that ascribe partners to Him. he pardons all except that"( Quran 4:16).

Guys, correct me if i am wrong! Who is the greatest? Our God or human? One day we might hurt people and we might need the forgiveness from them. So think about it.

I like to quote this,
"If one desires to be forgiven for his offenses, he must learn to forgive others. If one seeks forgiveness from Allah, he should learn to forgive others. If one desires that Allah overlook his weaknesses, he should learn to overlook weaknesses of others. "

I wish I could help them and may Allah help me.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Bismillah wal Hamdulillah

Surprisingly though....

From: livescience

Stroke is the number three killer in the United States, affecting almost 800,000 people each year, according to the National Stroke Association. These "brain attacks" occur when blood flow to the brain is interrupted (an ischemic stroke) or when a blood vessel in the brain leaks or bursts (a hemorrhagic stroke). For 144,000 people each year, the result is death. Hundreds of thousands of others are left with long-term disabilities.

Genetics, age and race play a role in stroke as do many other factors, both controllable and uncontrollable. Recent research has teased out more and more of these risk factors, from how you eat to where you live.

Here's what scientists are finding are top risks for a stroke:

7. High-fat diet

The same foods associated with heart attacks - red meat, anything fried - can also raise your risk of a brain attack. At the American Stroke Association's (ASA) International Stroke Conference in February, researchers from the University of North Carolina presented findings that post-menopausal women who consumed high-fat diets had 40 percent more incidences of ischemic stroke than low-fat eaters. Trans fats, found in processed foods like pastries and crackers, seem particularly nasty: The group of women who consumed seven grams of trans fat each day had 30 percent more stroke incidents than those who ate one gram.

So what to eat instead? Multiple studies suggest that a Mediterranean-inspired diet can lower stroke risk. That means lots of vegetables, whole grains, fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, and very little red meat and sweets.

6. Being single

If you're a man who'd like to cut his chances of a fatal stroke, get hitched. A Tel Aviv University study of more than 10,000 Israeli men found that those who were married at midlife were 64 percent less likely to die of a stroke during the next 34 years than single men. The data was adjusted for other stroke risk factors like socioeconomic status, blood pressure and smoking.

But there's a catch: The marriage has to be a happy one. Men who reported dissatisfying marriages were just as likely as single men to die of a stroke, the researchers reported at the ASA's International Stroke Conference.

5. Being unhappy

Happiness is music to your cardiovascular system. Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston reported in 2001 that among older individuals, positive moods and attitudes protected against strokes. Even incremental increases in happiness helped: For every step up on the researchers' happiness scale, male participants' stroke risk dropped 41 percent. Women's risk dropped 18 percent per happiness unit.

Even if you're not happy, it might pay to act like you are. The researchers speculate that happy people are more likely to get medical care, exercise and stay healthy, all protective factors against stroke.

4. Being obese

More weight means a higher risk of stroke, according to researchers from the University of Minnesota. In a study presented at the International Stroke Conference last month, researchers followed more than 13,000 Americans for 19 years and found that the risk of stroke in people with the highest body mass index (BMI) was 1.43 to 2.12 times higher than in those with the lowest body mass index. (BMI is calculated with a person's height and weight and is considered an indicator of body fatness.)

The reason for the correlation is that some stroke risk factors are worsened by obesity, study co-author Hiroshi Yatsuya said in a statement. The biggest culprits, according to the data are high blood pressure and diabetes.

3. Smoking

Lighting up nearly doubles your risk of stroke, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Fortunately, quitting can drop that risk back down, even for heavy smokers. One 1988 study found that former smokers had the same rate of stroke as nonsmokers five years after snuffing their last cigarette.

2. Being born in the wrong demographic (for a stroke)

Unfortunately, not all risk factors are under your control. Blacks have twice the incidence of strokes as whites, according to the AHA. Not only that, but the death rate from stroke is significantly higher for blacks than the overall stroke death rate. Part of the disparity may be explained by higher-than-average rates of diabetes and high blood pressure among blacks.

Being female can also put you at a disadvantage when it comes to stroke. In a study presented at ASA's International Stroke Conference, University of Southern California researchers reported that women aged 35 to 64 are almost three times as likely to have a stroke as men of the same age. The reason may be that women in midlife carry more abdominal fat than men, a risk factor for stroke, said the researchers.

1. Being a born-and-bred Southerner

The swath of stroke-prone states across the Southeastern United States - generally including North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama - have long been known as the "Stroke Belt." But recent research suggests that just being born and spending your childhood in one of these states raises your risk for stroke, even if you move away later.

In a study published in the journal Neurology in 2009, Harvard public health professor Maria Glymour and her colleagues reported that among blacks, being born in the Stroke Belt increased the risk of stroke by 22 percent. For whites, the number was 30 percent. Part of the reason may be due to risk factors like poor diet, smoking and obesity, which may start earlier in southern states, Glymour told LiveScience.

"By the time that they're middle-aged and we're enrolling them in our studies, it looks like lots of people have those risk factors," she said. "But maybe people in the South have been carrying them for longer."

"Hope none are ours"

Friday 12 March 2010

Minute that counts

Bismillah wal Hamdulillah..

Everyday is the exam day

::Sigh:: one down, yet more to come. 10 minutes of Orthopaedic OSCE!

::Just finished my orthopaedic OSCE::

"I find it is hard to diagnose something in just 5 minutes , in addition to the adrenaline rush, " one might say. However like it or not, that is what we need to admit. Being examined and observed by someone who is "somebody" may accentuate that gush , plus accelerate the heart beat further. Sometimes it ended up by putting ourselves down and small, like a mickey perhaps. Act like a professional spy and think like a brainy one. That is the advice. You cannot be sure of how smart you are when you become the center attention. But the easiest way is, "Grab it while you are given one! "

There are no scripts for us

I like the statement above. Who has got the scripts for tomorrow? A script of life.
Nobody knows about how tomorrow will look like. It is a matter of plan and hope. Hope, hope, hope and anticipation. Who knows the price of "tawakkal"??? Priceless indeed! And who is going to pay for it? I don't know.