Friday 19 June 2009

It's about educating 'em!

Bismillah and alhamdulillah...

Pangkor Island

Public health , the climax yet to feel..God willing this sunday we'll be heading to Manjung ( Pangkor Island is there guys!) With bucketsful of hope, something must be waiting for me there. Enjoyment and hopefully a relief....

Public health is about educating the public, promoting health and disease prevention. I like the way he ( Health Officer) explained to us. Imagine a stream of river and so many people live along the banks of the river, then happen to be one person drowned after falling / jumping into the river......It's an analogy ! Those at the very end, who saved the drowned person would be some with curative in nature. But the one who works within the victim's community , to dig the issue of drowning in the first place would be the public health people. That is where we seek the reason behind it and help to prevent such thing from occuring again. That is the nature of public health team. Isn't it? I would say public health plays more role than those in hospital. No offense please. Preventive is better than cure. So does prevention outweigh others? Talking about Manjung in particular. A touristy Bandar Pelancongan dan Maritim. Sound nice and great for a "bookaholic' i suppose.

Read here for more details.

Guess we'll talk more after the trip ( or holiday?)
PUblic health as future field. Any takers?

Saturday 13 June 2009

Takdir....segalanya di luar pengetahuan..

Bismillah and alhamdulillah....

"Still living, talking, seeing, hearing..list goes on"

Alhamdulillah...Syukur itu hanya padaNya. Kala ini, seterusnya dan selamanya, inilah lafaz teragung tanda hambanya seorang hamba pada Pencipta, ucapan terima kasih bertalu-talu tanpa henti ..Syukur terbesar , nikmat Islam dan Iman masih dikecapi tatkala ratusan malahan ribuan mula melupakan agama , melupakan asal usul kejadian diri. Hari ini banyak berita kematian yang didengari ,seorang tokoh yang tak penah kukenal secara dekat tetapi kuhayati watak allahyarham melalui buku karangan beliau. Apa ertinya saya menganut Islam? Buku itu tidak "gharib" bagi kita malahan menjadi peniup semangat untuk memahami makna keIslaman kita. Pembuka mata dan pencerah pada kelam. Bukan buku itu topik pilihan tetapi pada hakikat hidup itu sendiri. Akhirnya akan beralih ke episod baru yakni kematian. Itu satu cerita dan berita untuk malam ini. Semoga roh allahyarham ditempatkan bersama orang yang beriman!

Berita sedih lagi, kemalangan sekumpulan anak muda bakal mewarisi kepimpinan negara di Bumi Anbiya' , Kaherah mengejutkan malam ini lagi. Bagaimana mereka? Ditimpa musibah di negara orang yang tak pernah dimimpi barang sedetik pun. Hal ini mengingatkan saya pada beberapa tahun lalu sewaktu masih lagi di rantau orang. Alhamdulillah, Allah memudahkan musafirku selama beberapa tahun di sana. Jauh dari ayah bonda, sanak saudara dan kerisauan adakah sempat berjumpa mereka selalu bermain di benak saya. Namun Allah punya ketentuanNya. ...
Semoga kekuatan milik keluarga mereka dan semoga roh arwah ditempatkan bersama orang yang beriman!

Bicara mengenai kematian, bukan bicara kosong tetapi bicara yang bisa melunturkan rasa ujub dan takbur dalam diri. Fikirnya bisa menjadi kita orang tercerdik di dunia. Itu janji Nabi saw. Moga ingatan pada kematian meleburkan rasa sedih pada dunia yang kadang kala dilihat tidak memihak pada kita. Biarlah dirundung sengsara barang secubit di dunia fana , asal akhirat jaminan bahagia untuk kita.

Untuk diri, keluarga, sahabat dan seluruh umat, moga "mati" bukan omongan kosong, tapi amal yang berisi.



Saturday 6 June 2009

Contentment with little

Bismillah and alhamdulillah...

Hadrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas (r.a.) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,

"Successful is the one who has entered the fold of Islam and is provided with sustenance which is sufficient for his needs, and Allah makes him content with what He has bestowed upon him.''.

Related by Muslim. Hadith# (102)

p/s: Feeling sad or bad when having less or not having something that others have is common...


Monday 1 June 2009

New chapter

Bismillah and Alhamdulillah...

16weeks gone ...paediatrics , psychiatric and here comes public health....exciting enough to know that our to-be visit place is Manjong, Perak ..little knowledge stored about this place but others find this place exciting, near Pangkor Island they said....But would it mean we have time for that???
Let us see !!!

1 June- final exam season for our dearest colleagues (seniors) , meaning me and friend will be in our final year very very soon.....Ufff almost 5 years we are here! Few of my friends back in primary school are counting days for their first baby, and few of them are "minusing" days before departing into a "non single" life...
whereby me here, counting days for graduating , for finishing assignments bla..bla..bla.. How different life is , isn't it "wonderful"???

Wishing all the very best!!